iTag - Photo Tagging Software

Power Users

iTag has a number of keyboard shortcuts to help you keep your hands on the keyboard rather than moving on and off the mouse.

Ctrl+O Load Files
Ctrl+S Save
Alt+C Close all
Alt+R Close selected
Thumbnail / Photo Viewing and Handling
Alt+A Select All
Alt+G Select Geocoded
Alt+I Invert selection
Alt+Z Quick Zoom
Alt+Right Select next photo
Alt+Left Select Previous photo
Del delete selected photo to Recycle Bin
0 ... 5 Set rating to 0 ... 5 for selected photo
Tag editing
Alt+T Jump to Title
Alt+D Jump to Description
Alt+B Jump to Tag Bucket
Alt+S Jump to Search
Alt+P Jump to Thumbnail Panel
Ctrl+T Tag Manager
Ctrl+Alt+G Geocode
Ctrl+Shift+C Copy metadata to clipboard
Ctrl+Shift+V Paste metadata
Ctrl+Shift+D Paste Date Taken
Ctrl+Shift+F Paste Geocode

The tag manager helps allow you to control your vocabulary and to import and export tag lists. Open the tag manager by clicking the red heart on the tool bar

The tag manager is split into two sides, source and destination. To transfer tags from one point to another:

  • Select the desired source (for example: clipboard)
  • Select the desired destination (for example: tag bucket)
  • Select the a tag in the source
  • Click the green (+) button to move a tag into the destination

Tip: To have the same tags automatically load into the tag bucket each time you run iTag, move the desired tags into the tag bucket
Tip: Use the clipboard source and destinations to export and import tag lists that are external to iTag.

Sometimes you want to replace a particular tag against a set of photos. Some reasons might be

  • A tag was not spelled correctly
  • A tag was not applied consistently (eg: wedding vs weddings)

To replace a tag do the following

  1. Ensure a search index is built
  2. Search for the tag you want to replace
  3. Switch back to edit mode
  4. Press Alt-A to select all photos
  5. Remove the offending tag from the Common tag list
  6. Add the desired tag
  7. Save the photos

If you travel to a different timezone and forget to adjust the time on your camera then iTag can be used to retrospectively alter the EXIF time on the photos.

To adjust the time on a set of photos:

  • Select the photos you wish to adjust the time for
  • While in edit mode, click Advanced to expose the Date Taken textbox
  • Double click the Date Taken textbox
  • The Adjust Date Taken dialog willl appear

The dialog will let you adjust the time of the photos in three ways. You can set an absolute time or you can adjust each photos existing time by a relative amount.

To adjust be a relative amount, enter the timespan of the slide as per the suggeste format. For example to adjust time forard on the selected photos by 13 hours, enter 13:00:00 .

Tip: if you are in a different timezone and have realised that you have not set your camera time then don't adjust your camera but instead:

  • Take a photo of a device showing the correct time eg: your phone.
  • When you get home, use the adjust Date Taken dialog to enter the time of the photo in the Current Time textbox
  • Enter the time as is displayed in the photo in the Desired Time
  • Click Set action based on these values to automatically select the desired time shift
  • Apply this time shift to all of your photos that have the wrong time

iTag has been translated into many different languages by volunteers. The language in iTag is automatically selected at startup based on your Windows settings.
If you wish to override this, alter the shortcut as per the settings in the table below.

Catalan (Catalan) iTag.exe /c:ca-ES
Chinese (Macao S.A.R.) iTag.exe /c:zh-MO
Chinese (Taiwan) iTag.exe /c:zh-TW
Czech (Czech Republic) iTag.exe /c:cs-CZ
Danish (Denmark) iTag.exe /c:da-DK
Dutch (Belgium) iTag.exe /c:nl-BE
Dutch (Netherlands) iTag.exe /c:nl-NL
English (Australia) iTag.exe /c:en-AU
English (Belize) iTag.exe /c:en-BZ
English (Canada) iTag.exe /c:en-CA
English (Caribbean) iTag.exe /c:en-029
English (India) iTag.exe /c:en-IN
English (Ireland) iTag.exe /c:en-IE
English (Jamaica) iTag.exe /c:en-JM
English (Malaysia) iTag.exe /c:en-MY
English (New Zealand) iTag.exe /c:en-NZ
English (Republic of the Philippines) iTag.exe /c:en-PH
English (Singapore) iTag.exe /c:en-SG
English (South Africa) iTag.exe /c:en-ZA
English (Trinidad and Tobago) iTag.exe /c:en-TT
English (United Kingdom) iTag.exe /c:en-GB
English (United States) iTag.exe /c:en-US
English (Zimbabwe) iTag.exe /c:en-ZW
French (Belgium) iTag.exe /c:fr-BE
French (Canada) iTag.exe /c:fr-CA
French (France) iTag.exe /c:fr-FR
French (Luxembourg) iTag.exe /c:fr-LU
French (Principality of Monaco) iTag.exe /c:fr-MC
French (Switzerland) iTag.exe /c:fr-CH
German (Austria) iTag.exe /c:de-AT
German (Germany) iTag.exe /c:de-DE
German (Liechtenstein) iTag.exe /c:de-LI
German (Luxembourg) iTag.exe /c:de-LU
German (Switzerland) iTag.exe /c:de-CH
Hungarian (Hungary) iTag.exe /c:hu-HU
Italian (Italy) iTag.exe /c:it-IT
Italian (Switzerland) iTag.exe /c:it-CH
Japanese (Japan) iTag.exe /c:ja-JP
Portuguese (Brazil) iTag.exe /c:pt-BR
Portuguese (Portugal) iTag.exe /c:pt-PT
Slovenian (Slovenia) iTag.exe /c:sl-SI
Spanish (Argentina) iTag.exe /c:es-AR
Spanish (Bolivia) iTag.exe /c:es-BO
Spanish (Chile) iTag.exe /c:es-CL
Spanish (Colombia) iTag.exe /c:es-CO
Spanish (Costa Rica) iTag.exe /c:es-CR
Spanish (Dominican Republic) iTag.exe /c:es-DO
Spanish (Ecuador) iTag.exe /c:es-EC
Spanish (El Salvador) iTag.exe /c:es-SV
Spanish (Guatemala) iTag.exe /c:es-GT
Spanish (Honduras) iTag.exe /c:es-HN
Spanish (Mexico) iTag.exe /c:es-MX
Spanish (Nicaragua) iTag.exe /c:es-NI
Spanish (Panama) iTag.exe /c:es-PA
Spanish (Paraguay) iTag.exe /c:es-PY
Spanish (Peru) iTag.exe /c:es-PE
Spanish (Puerto Rico) iTag.exe /c:es-PR
Spanish (Spain) iTag.exe /c:es-ES
Spanish (United States) iTag.exe /c:es-US
Spanish (Uruguay) iTag.exe /c:es-UY
Spanish (Venezuela) iTag.exe /c:es-VE

iTag writes all metadata to the individual media files however it also maintains an internal index to enable fast searching. The index is automatically updated whenever a file is changed from within iTag however if you are in a corporate environment with multiple users tagging and searching then it becomes a problem when the individual indexes on the different PC's become out of date.

To share an index between multiple users, choose a location on a shared drive to which all users have read and write access. Within iTag on each PC, click Edit, Options, Search, Advanced.
Browse to the chosen location on the shared drive and click OK.
Repeat for all PCs using iTag and you now have a shared index that is communally updated by all users as they work.

Tip: For faster deployments, the index location is stored at HKCU\Software\iTag in the registry,